Author Guidelines

  1. The length of the article is 3000-5000 words (not including abstract, title, and bibliography) in Bahasa Indonesia or English with Times New Roman, font size 12, and single space.
  2. The abstract must be written in Indonesian and English with a writing length of 150-250 words, as well as writing keywords.
  3. The writing structure consists of a Title, Author's Name (without title) and e-mail, Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Discussion (adjusted amount), Closing (Conclusion and Suggestion), and Bibliography.
  4. The source of reference is suggested to be the books published last 10 years or the journals published last 5 years.
  5. Citation in the text is written in APA 7th Edition style (the last name of author, year). For example (Khazin, 2012). Footnote format for citation is not allowed. Footnotes can be written to explain specific terms.
  6. List of References (bibliography) is written in APA 7th Edition style (author’s last name, author’s initial name. (Year). Title of book. Publisher). For example:

    Mas’ud, A. (2019). Mendakwahkan Smiling Islam: Dialog Kemanusiaan Islam dan Barat (1st ed.). Pustaka Kompas.

  7. For journal reference, is also written in APA 7th Edition style (author’s last name, author’s initial name. (Year). Title of Article. Publisher, Vol (No). doi. For example:

    Fauziah, F. (2017). Pesantren Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Yang Efektif. DINAMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Dan Keislaman2(1), Article 1.

  8. Authors are suggested to fit the style of writing with the template of this journal and use a reference manager (Mendeley/Zotero)
  9. The manuscript must be original and the limit of similarity is under 35%