Mengembangkan Media Lembar Kerja Anak Tema Binatang di PAUD Islam Armuna Palangka Raya

  • Muzakki IAIN Palangka Raya, Indonesia
  • Mega Utami IAIN Palangka Raya, Indonesia
  • Sri Hidayati IAIN Palangkaraya, Indonesia
  • Neela Afifah IAIN Palangkaraya, Indonesia
Keywords: Children, Child Worksheets, PAUD


The manual dexterity necessary for writing is not fully developed in young children, leading to difficulties in expressing themselves through writing and mishandling a pencil. In addition, children's worksheets at school were inadequate, and the materials provided for writing exercises were limited, with a focus on coloring and letter recognition. Researchers use the development model or Research and Development method in their investigations. This model aims to create a product and test its effectiveness through expert evaluation and student responses. The worksheet media produced with a focus on animals can be well received by students with an assessment of 90% in the "Very Eligible" category. "Thus, animal-themed LKA media is suitable for teaching and learning activities at the Armuna Islamic PAUD Palangka Raya.


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