• Maskupah Maskupah
Keywords: Financial Management, prosperous family, and Islam


Every household wants to be a family that is the physically and mentally prosperous. In Islam, a prosperous family is known as a sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah family. However, to create a prosperous family is not easy, the conflict in family is sometimes difficult to avoid, and one of the factor causing conflict in the family is due to economic or financial factors. With good financial management accompanied by communication and transparent in the household, conflicts in the household will be not happened. In Islam, the financial management in the household is very important, so it becomes a special concern. It is an obligation for every Muslim to make religion the basic for carrying out every action including  the financial management accompanied by transparent and good communication so that they can create a family that is physically and mentally prosperous or a family that is sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah.


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