• Nurul Shaleha Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Muslim Nusantara al-washliyah Medan, Indonesia
  • Anny Sartika Daulay Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Muslim Nusantara al-washliyah Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Turmeric extract, Intensity and Color stability


Turmeric is one of the potential medicinal plants, apart from being a raw material for medicine, it is also used as a natural dye. Yellow dye (curcumin) is used as a food coloring for humans. Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Robx) can be used as the main medicinal ingredient in supporting the provision of color. The purpose of this study was to determine the best storage time for turmeric and temulawak extracts that could be used as natural dyes based on color intensity and curcumin content. In this study, the manufacture of turmeric and temulawak extracts was carried out using the decoction method. Determination of storage variations for 7 days was carried out on the influence of storage temperature, namely room temperature (30 ), refrigerator temperature (7 ), drying cabinet temperature (32 ). The color absorbance measurement of curcumin content was carried out by visible spectrophotometric method. The results of the absorbance measurement were used to determine the color stability. The color stability of curcumin in the sample at variations in storage time and temperature was determined based on the absorbance represented in the color intensity of the sample. Furthermore, the color stability can be determined based on the curcumin content. The results of this study were obtained, the absorbance intensity test in turmeric was carried out at a wavelength of 425.14 nm with the results of 0.582 (day 1), temulawak had an absorbance of 0.463 (day 1). The color stability test changed on the 4th day at the temperature of the drying cabinet and room temperature, at the temperature of the refrigerator the color remained stable. Temulawak and turmeric extracts as natural dyes can be stored for a long time if stored at refrigerator temperature the color will remain stable.


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