Human resources are the most important factor in the success of a company. HR performance must be considered. If someone provides work results that are in accordance with the standards or criteria that have been standardized by the organization, then the person's performance is classified as good, if not, it means that they are performing poorly. Therefore, the researcher sees that there is a possibility of a democratic leadership style at PT. Harapan Bersama Lestari Medan is that there are still deficiencies that must be investigated further in the hope that this research will be useful to broaden the insight of the leaders of PT. Harapan Bersama Lestari so that they can have a better democratic leadership style. The method in this study uses a quantitative approach. The results of this study are). This shows that partially the democratic leadership style variable (X1) has no effect on the employee performance variable (Y) PT. Harapan Bersama Lestari Medan. Leadership style, motivation and compensation simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance in working at PT. Harapan Bersama Lestari Medan.