• Nur Aslindawaty Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan Pembangunan Indonesia
Keywords: Family Hope Program, Education


The problem to be studied in this research is to determine the implementation of the policy of the family of hope program (PKH) in the field of education in the Tamalatea District, Jeneponto Regency and the benefits of the family of hope program (PKH) in the education sector to the target group in the Tamalatea District, Jeneponto Regency. The study used primary data and secondary. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews and questionnaires. This type of research uses qualitative research. Subjects in the study amounted to 50 people using a purpose sampling technique. While the data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis. Based on the research data, it shows that the implementation of PKH in the education sector in Tamalatea District has been implemented well starting from the data collection process, the mentoring process, and the distribution of aid, although there are several inhibiting factors in the running of the program. The socialization is still not optimal, there is a need for data collection of PKH recipients in the education sector by the government so that the poor who have not been registered can get assistance, the need for beneficiary families (KPM) to encourage or motivate their children who are not committed to their obligations and diligently participate in group meetings. And PKH in the education sector is useful in terms of improving the quality of human resources because it can increase gross enrollment rates and reduce dropout rates. And in the long term, helping to alleviate poverty because it has facilitated the education of children who receive assistance.


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