• Gunawan Widjaja Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
  • Hansel Kalama Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
Keywords: Transactions, Electronics, Hansel Kalama


Terms that are often found in society, such as e-commerce, e-business, and e-contract, essentially have differences from one another but are closely related. E-commerce is one way of running an e-business that is secured by an e-contract for the parties to one another. Meanwhile, e-business also has various models to run, each of which has a different way of doing it and different levels of preference from consumers. The issue of e-commerce has also become a concern for the international community with the demonstration of a general assembly resolution from the United Nations which regulates a little about e-commerce.


Andam R. Zorayda, 2003. E-Commerce and E-Business.
Baum LF, Radcliffe Ann, and Goethe Johan, E-Business Models. E-Contracts: An Overview.
Introduction to E-Commerce General Assembly Resolution on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/51/628) 51/162 Model Law on Electronic Commerce, 30 January 1997.
Juwana Hikmahanto. 2003. Legal Issues on E-Commerce and E-Contract in Indonesia.
Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 tentang Perdagangan.
Zwass Vladimir. 2003. Electronic Commerce and Organizational Innovation: Aspects and Opportunities.
European Initiative in Electronic Commerce, COM (97) 157 at I(7),
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Satish Kumar M. E-Commerce. Slide Presentation on