• Alkadri Alkadri Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambs
Keywords: Matan, Signs, Apocalypse


The hadith concerning the signs of the apocalypse is sourced from numerous sources, each of which contains incomplete information. In fact, the purpose of the sources of information about the prophet is to shape their meaning. For this reason, it is necessary to engage in mature criticism. In the meantime, it's crucial to read the signs of the impending apocalypse, as they can be verified through current phenomena. The methodology for discussing literature studies is through a material criticism approach and text interpretation with a focus on comparing data and its meaning, aimed at obtaining complete information and interpretation of texts according to current phenomena. It was found that ten signs of the arrival of the apocalypse were stated by the prophet according to the reasoning of Arab society at that time, namely fog, antichrist, dabbah, the prophet Isa, gog and magog, the sun rising from the west, an eclipse to the east, an eclipse to the west, an eclipse on the Arabian Peninsula, and fire arising from Yemen. It is a symbol of bad human behavior and natural disasters, according to the textual meaning. The contextual significance of all these signs is proven by the bad consequences of global warming, namely extreme weather changes and devastating natural disasters. Even if a nuclear war occurs, it will destroy all of humanity.


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