Submission and Peer Review Process
The stages of manuscript submission and Review Process are as follows:
- Authors register/submit their manuscripts through the OJS system by first registering as authors.
- The author will receive notification via registered email if the manuscript has been received by the editor.
- The initial review is conducted by the editor-in-chief and assigned editorial board member
- The editorial board will screen the eligibility of the manuscripts that have been submitted according to the scope and format of the applicable writing.
- Manuscripts that have passed the screening from the editors will be sent to 1 or 2 reviewers in accordance with the field of the manuscript.
- The principle of the review process adopted is double-blind peer review, which means that the editorial team tries so that the reviewers do not know the author of the manuscript being reviewed/examined (the author's identity is hidden by the editor), and vice versa.
- There is a possibility that the manuscript will be reviewed/checked by the reviewer more than once until the manuscript is deemed fit for publication, both by the reviewer and by the editor.
- Not all of the appointed reviewers conducted manuscript reviews/examinations using the OJS system.
- The manuscript will be in the hands of the reviewer no more than 2 weeks after submission, and the review process lasts for 2 - 4 weeks.
- After review, the author makes revisions according to the reviewer’s suggestion
- Manuscripts that have passed the review and are accepted after revision will go through the final editing process and are scheduled for publication by the editors, the authors will receive notification and are entitled to receive a letter of acceptance.
- Until now, Journals have been published online and in print. For writers and readers who want a printed version, they can contact the editor's email.