• Muhamad Yayandi Universitas Sali Al-Aitam, Bandung, Jawa Barat Politeknik LP3I, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nanda Amajid Octaviany Universitas Sali Al-Aitam, Bandung, Jawa Barat Politeknik LP3I, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Promotional Mix and Consumer Buying Interest.


Technological developments have had a tremendous impact on business and exhibitions have also played an important role in strengthening and opening up opportunities for sustainable cooperation and technology transfer. PT Megawatt Asia is an event organizer service company that makes industrial exhibitions open the market for business people in the manufacturing industry. This study aims to determine the effect of the promotion mix on consumer buying interest at PT Megawatt Asia. There are 5 promotional mix used by PT Megawatt Asia, namely, advertising (Advertising), personal selling (personal selling), sales promotion (sales promotion), direct marketing (direct marketing), publicity (publicity). The population in this study found 300 people, using a non-probability sampling technique, namely quota sampling, the sample of this study was 50 respondents. The data used in this study is primary data in the form of a questionnaire distributed to exhibitors who participated in the PT Megawatt Asia exhibition. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out by the author at the event organizer company, PT Megawatt Asia, regarding the Effect of the Promotional Mix on Consumer Buying Interest, the author can draw the conclusion that there is a significant positive effect between the X variables on Y, because the t value is 8.028 > t 2010 table. So that there is an influence between the X variable on Y, or in other words Ha accepts and Ho is rejected. Based on research conducted at PT Megawatt Asia, it can be said that the promotion mix has a significant effect on consumer buying interest. Based on the regression calculation, it can be seen that the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.573 or 57.3%, which means that the contribution of the promotion mix to consumer buying interest at PT Megawatt Asia is strong. While the remaining 0.427 or 42.7% is influenced by other factors that are not taken into account in this study.


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