Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy, and International Relations is a research journal that focuses on themes of international borders, diplomacy, and international relations. The journal, which is published twice a year, is managed by: the Center for village studies, underdeveloped areas, and border areas, by research and community service institutions or abbreviated as LP2M Islamic Institute Sultan Muhammad syafiuddin Sambas, West Kalimantan. In an effort to provide a forum for the publication of scientific papers, especially our teachers and lecturers as managers of spectrum journals, intend to publish a scientific journal called Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations. Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations was founded on February 13 2018, published by LP2M IAI Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Kalbar in printed version. Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations is published 2 (two) times a year, namely in February and July. Chief Editor Dr. Aslan M.Pd.I. Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations was first published in Volume 1 No. 1 February 2018 with ISSN 2615-3165 (print). At that time, the journal was established without standard rules due to our lack of understanding as an editorial board. The logo management process, objectives and scope, layout and articles are still not going well. Starting Volume 3 No. March 1, 2020, Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations has conducted peer reviews with sustainable expert partners in their fields and have had national and international scientific work since the last 3 years and stepped into ISSN On lane (process). In addition, the journal layout or template has also changed according to the Ristekdikti scientific accreditation guidelines. In 2020, the editing management of Cross-Border articles: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations is still semi-electronic. This is because the manuscript submission process is still being sent via email. Cross-Border: Journal of International Border Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations has been indexed by crossref.org, BASE, ROAD, GARUDA, google scholar, statcounter and Currently, the Chief Editor is trying to implement an electronic journal, where scriptwriters and editing management done online on the OJS dashboard menu. Since the publication of volume 3 number 1 February 2021.

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Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): JANUARI-JUNI
Published: 2024-02-26


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