The purpose of this study is the Application of Differentiation Learning Approach in Science Lessons Class VII SMP Victory Plus. This research method is a type of literature research; That is, the information materials used come from library sources in the form of books, encyclopedias, magazines, journals, newspapers, journals, and others. This form of research is qualitative with descriptive and critical analysis. Therefore, the author can describe comprehensively how the Application of the Differentiation Learning Approach to Science Lessons. In this study, the author optimally used two data sources related to this study, namely. Primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results of this study The application of a differentiation learning approach in grade VII science lessons of SMP Victory Plus succeeded in restoring students' enthusiasm and interest in learning, especially on the topic of substances and their changes. This can be seen from the analysis of theories that are in accordance with previous research by relating indicators that are in accordance with the results of previous research.
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