• Marlina Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Washliyah Barabai, Indonesia
Keywords: Method, Learning, Prophetic Hadith


It is not an exaggeration if there is an expression "aththariqah ahammu minal maddah", that methods are much more important than materials, because no matter how good the educational goals are, if they are not supported by the right methods, these goals are very difficult to achieve well. A method will influence whether the information is complete or not. Therefore, the choice of educational method must be done carefully, adjusted to various related factors, so that educational results can be satisfactory. We can emulate what Rasulullah SAW did when conveying Allah's revelation to his friends, because Rasulullah SAW. Since the beginning, he has implemented appropriate educational methods for his friends. The learning strategy he used was very accurate in conveying Islamic teachings. Rasul saw. really pay attention to a person's situation, condition and character, so that Islamic values can be transferred well. Rasulullah saw. also really understands everyone's instincts and conditions, so that he is able to make them happy, both materially and spiritually, he always invites people to approach Allah SWT. and His Shari'ah.


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