Shar-E: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Hukum Syariah began acquiring the e-ISSN from LIPI in Volume 6 No.1 of 2020. Since that edition till Vol. 8 No.1 2022, there have been several editors in-chief and journal managers changes. This causes some mismanagement of the manuscript such as templates that vary from one edition to another. In addition, the page numbering also encounters errors. Description of the non-uniformity is followings:
- Vol. 6 No.1 2020:
- Page numbering starts from number 1
- The name of the journal in the pdf file is "Shar-E Vol.6 No.1 Januari 2020" according to SK LIPI
- 1 page using two sides (left-right)
- The citation uses the Body Notes model, namely (author's name, year, page)
- The use of letters using Times New Romans with article content font 12, while for journal identity using font 10
- The abstract is only in Bahasa Indonesia
- The Writing of the bibliography is unsystematic/non-standard
- On the second page and so on, the top is striped, and the bottom is not
- Vol. 6 No.2 2020:
- Page numbering starts after the last page of the previous edition
- The name of the journal in the pdf file is "Shar-E Vol.6 No.1 Juli 2020" according to SK LIPI
- 1 page does not use two sides (1 page 1 side)
- Citations use the Body Notes model, namely (author's name, year)
- The use of letters using Times New Romans with the contents of the article in font 12, the title in font 14, while the identity of the journal uses font 10
- The abstract is only in Bahasa Indonesia
- The Writing of the bibliography is APA 7th (but manual)
- The second page and so on are striped at the top and bottom
- Vol. 7 No.1 2021:
- Page numbering starts from number 1 again
- The name of the journal in the pdf file is "Shar-E Vol.7 No.1 Februari 2021" which is not in accordance with the SK LIPI (supposedly Shar-E Vol.7 No.1 Januari 2021)
- 1 page does not use two sides (1 page 1 side)
- Citations use the Body Notes model, namely (author's name, year)
- The use of letters using Times New Romans with the contents of the article in font 12, the title in font 14, while the identity of the journal uses font 10
- The abstract is only in Bahasa Indonesia
- Writing of bibliography is not systemic
- The second page and so on are striped at the top and bottom
- Vol. 7 No.2 2021:
- Page numbering starts after the last page of the previous edition
- The name of the journal in the pdf file is "Shar-E Vol.7 No.2 Juli-Desember 2021" which is not in accordance with SK LIPI (supposedly Shar-E Vol.7 No.2 Juli 2021)
- 1 page does not use two sides (1 page 1 side)
- Citations use the Body Notes model, namely (author's name, year)
- The use of letters using Bookman Old Style with article contents font 12, the title font 14, while for journal identity use font 10 Times New Romans
- The abstract is in Bahasa Indonesia and English
- The Writing of the bibliography is in APA 6th (manual) but inconsistent
- The second page and so on are striped at the top and bottom
- Vol. 8 No.1 2022:
- Page numbering starts after the last page of the previous edition (it should start from number 1 again)
- The name of the journal in the pdf file is "Shar-E Vol.8 No.1 Januari-Juni 2022" which is not in accordance with the SK LIPI (it should be Shar-E Vol.8 No.1 Januari 2022)
- 1 page does not use two sides (1 page 1 side)
- Citations use the Body Notes model, namely (author's name, year)
- The use of letters using Bookman Old Style with article contents font 12, the title font 14, while for journal identity use font 10 Times New Romans
- The abstract is in Bahasa Indonesia and English
- The Writing of the bibliography is not systemic
- The second page and so on are only striped at the bottom (not at the top) but inconsistent
Note: Currently, the process of searching and selecting manuscripts is still ongoing to fill the void in Vol. 8 No.2 2022 edition and so on. Templates will be uniformly applied to issues from Volume 8 No.2 2022 onwards.
Template changes from July 2023
There have been a lot of changes in the template starting with the Vol. 9 No. July 2, 2023. The changes include general appearance, font type and size, addition of manuscript history, and writing of citations and bibliography into the APA 7th Editon Style format.