The IAIS Sambas Postgraduate Sharia Economics Master Program is a Postgraduate Study Program organized based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4896 of 2017 concerning the permit for the implementation of the Master of Islamic Economics Masters Study Program and the Sharia Economics Masters Study Program. SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL OF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS (SAJGIBE) The IAIS Sambas Postgraduate Masters in Islamic Economics Program focuses on concentrations of Islamic Development Economics, Sharia Business Management, Sharia Finance and Banking, Sharia Accounting, Sharia Tourism, Hajj and Umrah Management, Management Zakat and Waqf, and Halal Management.
The SAJGIBE journal publishes and disseminates the results of research and analysis of lecturers, thesis research for master's students at the Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Institute of Islam.