SAJGIBE relies on a peer review process to maintain the quality and validity of published articles.
All articles submitted to CBJIS will be peer reviewed.
SAJGIBE follows a fast and fair double-blind peer review process and also ensures the quality of published articles. For this reason, SAJGIBE requires reviewers who can provide useful and useful comments about the submitted manuscripts in about 4-5 weeks. Maintaining SAJGIBE as a quality scientific journal relieXs heavily on reviewers who have high expertise and ability to be objective, fair, and insightful in evaluating manuscripts. This statement is based on the COPE Code of Ethics (Publication Ethics Committee) and the Code of Conduct Best Practices for Peer Reviewers.
Before you accept or decline an invitation to review, consider the following questions:
1. Is the article in your area of ​​expertise? Accept only when you think you can leave a review
2. Do you have a potential conflict of interest? Say this to the editor when you respond.