SAJGIBE : Jurnal SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL OF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS. The IAIS Sambas Postgraduate Islamic Economics Masters Program Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published periodically 3 (three) times a year (Mei, September and Januari). This journal is published by the Masters Study Program of the Islamic Economics Master's Degree Program, Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas.

SAJGIBE urnal Master of Islamic Economics Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Islamic Institute received a manuscript of research results in the field of Islamic Economics. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of Islamic Economics. Please read the script writing guide. Authors who wish to submit their manuscripts to the editors of SAJGIBE: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah must comply with the writing guidelines (templates). If a submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or is written in a different format, it will be CORRECTED by the editors before further review. Editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format. The publication of articles in double-blind peer-reviewed journals is an important part of scientific development. Publication is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the author and the institution that oversees it. Articles from double-blind peer-reviewed journals support and embody the scientific approach. Therefore, a standard of ethical behavior is needed for all parties involved in publication: journal editors, reviewers, and authors. Article Review Process Authors can see the article review process starting from submission to being ready for publication through the open journal system (OJS).